Code Week
2023-24: Code Week-Recycle with STEAM
2022-23:Lets play Cody Roby together 1st and 6th Grade_A. Goltsiou_E. Georgiadou
1. Recycle With STEAM
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Recycle With STEAM_Code Week
Code Week-Recycle with STEAM
Student Logos
Παρουσιάσεις αφισών_ανακύκλωση
learningapps_Game bank
NO WASTE και κυκλική οικονομία.
Colloborative Work of the Project Recycle With STEAΜ
eTwinning project "We grow with music2", Διαγωνισμός λογότυπου
We grow with music2_Music card_2nd group Christmas' carols from the 2nd group of the 3rd Grade srudents
Ωδή στη χαρά/Γ2
Εθνικές ετικέτες ποιότητας έργου eTwinning
Ευρωπαϊκές ετικέτες ποιότητας έργων eTwinning
Αυτοπαρουσίαση μαθητών Α1- eTwinning
1. We grow with music
3. Logo We grow with music/1st Grade, Α1
1.Lets play Cody Roby together 1st and 6th Grade_A.
2. A small child says a beautiful word
6.Γράμματα από φυσικά υλικά
5.Logo competition_common work_task by 1st Grade
3.Logo_A small child says a beautiful word
2."A small child says a beautiful word" means:
1.eTwinning project/A small child says a beautiful word:
3. Painting worth a thousant words
13. Εθνικές ετικέτες ποιότητας έργου eTwinning
11. Certificate of Participation and Thanks for Students
10. Turning photos into artwork
3. Learning Picassos’ paintings
4. Game of students
10. Εθνικές ετικέτες ποιότητας έργου eTwinning