Παρουσίαση eTwinning

Σας προσκαλούμε...

eTwinning/ tagul/ Run Marco

eTwinning/ Mathematics in Shapes/ tagul

eTwinning/ Find the pattern, the Rythme. What is mathematical logic?

eTwinning/ Patterns with Shapes

eTwinning/ Patterns in Greek art and nature

eTwinning/ Exagon by bee with toothpicks

eTwinning/ With toothpicks I grow the triangle more and more...

eTwinning/With toothpicks I creat a pattern of the railway

eTwinning/ eTwinning day playing with symmetry in Greek art

eTwinning / Βar graphs

eTwinning / I find the percentage for the circular diagram

Mathematics in our lifes

Follow the line

Put the numbers from the bigger to smaller and to the last one
Write the number one the circle and x in the square

Connect two circles

Draw a line under the triagle

Draw a human with shapes