E2 /Ευρωπαϊκές ετικέτες ποιότητας eTwinning έργων 2020-21:


E2 /Εθνικές ετικέτες ποιότητας eTwinning έργων 2020-21:




Students' certificates


The students express their opinion about the project

Common Work 
Lets hear whta Marianna and Elya tell us about the project. 

The most active students of the project




Acrostic poem

  Common activity

Drop a message into the water

 My students prefer to send a message than  to drop it in the water.

Iceberg Story/ poetry reading

 Our common work

Konstantina read poetry

Iceberg Story/Collaborative video

  Our mixed team students recorded their scenes and sent Bana for editing.They give the message  ONE LOVE . Love will be the cure to the pandemic.We are not alone.Healthcareworkers and their children are not alone.Our Project team is with you ! 

Elya and Stella from our school 

Iceberg Story/Join Product Magazine Study

 Our common work.

My students wrote about pandemic. Our work is at pages 27-32. 

Students meeeting about empathy


Εmpathy activities


We watched video and writed what we understood in the forum 

My students, Stella R. created a memory game and played all together 

Iceberg Story, e safety


Our message


Iceberg Story, students meetings

  All students' meetings are on twinspaces

Iceberg Story/Students introduction


LEwC/Students and teacher Certificate


LEwC/Team 4 duty

 The professions are described in this work. Our goal was to learn the professions in English and write the code. Professionals take turns presenting their profession orally. The students have heard the sounds and have to write correctly the profession they have heard.  Students practiced both in listening and spelling.

 We participated in the text section of this project. The students wrote themselves in. mp3 questions about the professional. Then they asked the player to guess which was the professional. They inserted the sounds into the project and wrote the code so that the sound would change and match the text that the students at the previous school had entered. In this activity Nikos S. ,Odysseas M.,Panagiotis M.,Stefanos S. ,Stella R.,Thodoris M. worked. Thank you to my student and those in the other department.


LEwC/Team 3 duty

 The professions are described in this work. Our goal was to learn the professions in English and write the code. Professionals take turns presenting their profession. The word is written in English at the same time. Students practice in  listening and spelling.

 We participated in the sound section of this project. The students registered themselves in. mp3 presenting the professions. They introduced the sounds into the project and wrote the code so that the sound would change and match the text that the students at the previous school had entered. In this activity Kostas M.Marianna P.,Marita k. ,Melina P. ,Mihalis K. worked. Thank you to my student and those in the other department.

LEwC/Team 2 duty

 Our goal in this project is to cultivate English language and coding. The students worked as a team, as we had decided in the project. The success of the whole team depends on their successful completion.

 Our topic was to insert banners, so that a text prepared by the students of the next school will be displayed on them. In this activity Irida D., Konstantina H. worked. They researched .png or .gif characters and learnt about the copyright on the Internet and added them in the project.  In the gif’s images wrote the code to change costumes. Thank you to my student and those in the other department.

LEwC/Team1 duty

 Our goal was to learn how to search for characters for scratches, respecting copyrights, and to incorporate them into the project. Gif characters change costumes with the appropriate commands.

 In this project, we tried to teach both English and coding. In this activity Dimitris K., Elya X. ,Evgenia D. worked. They researched clip art characters  and .png or .gif, learnt about the copyright on the Internet and added them in the project.  In the gif’s images wrote the code to change costumes. They added 12 characters so the next school had variety of choice. Thank you to my student and those in the other department.

LEwC/scratch proffesions activity


LEwC/Save the planet /playing scratch


LEwC/Last teachers meeting


LEwC/final students meeting


LEwC/eTwinning Day


LEwC/Final students survey


LEwC/Final teacher survey


LEwC/Final parents survey


LEwC/Rules to follow.meeting with students about the project


LEwC/meeting safety internet


LEwC/proffesions activity team 4


LEwC/Lecture proffesions team 3


LEwC/I portect my planet activity


LEwC/Protect planet lecture


LLArt/students'and teacher Certificate


LLArt/school Board

