Students' certificates


The students express their opinion about the project

Common Work 
Lets hear whta Marianna and Elya tell us about the project. 

The most active students of the project




Acrostic poem

  Common activity

Drop a message into the water

 My students prefer to send a message than  to drop it in the water.

Iceberg Story/ poetry reading

 Our common work

Konstantina read poetry

Iceberg Story/Collaborative video

  Our mixed team students recorded their scenes and sent Bana for editing.They give the message  ONE LOVE . Love will be the cure to the pandemic.We are not alone.Healthcareworkers and their children are not alone.Our Project team is with you ! 

Elya and Stella from our school 

Iceberg Story/Join Product Magazine Study

 Our common work.

My students wrote about pandemic. Our work is at pages 27-32. 

Students meeeting about empathy


Εmpathy activities


We watched video and writed what we understood in the forum 

My students, Stella R. created a memory game and played all together 

Iceberg Story, e safety


Our message


Iceberg Story, students meetings

  All students' meetings are on twinspaces

Iceberg Story/Students introduction